Harrison Bagdan is the Senior Practice Advisor at HIP Creative and has become the big personality he is today from his experiences. Harrison went to college on a lacrosse scholarship and studied Kinesiology - the study of the movement of the human body - and Athletic Training. During his sophomore year when he was 19 years old, he left college to pursue a business in the sales and marketing industry where he truly gained his knowledge and education. After leaving school, he read more books than in his entire high school and college career combined. After becoming independent before the age of 21, it was then that he realized the value of personal development; continuous education; and constant, never-ending improvement. He regularly continues to read books and attend seminars to improve himself. A quote that he lives his life by is, "In order to help people up, you must first be on higher ground." Now, at the ripe age of 29, Harrison has personally trained and coached thousands of people on sales and marketing to hlep them 3x-5x their businesses. His personal passion today is to help people to realize that htey are better than they think they are. At HIP, our mission is to help orthodontists become the practice of choice in their communities and to help them grow faster and easier. Harrison says that while marketing is extremely important, your mindset and philosophy are 80% of the equation of growth and success. He brings the most value to HIP by closely working with and training key team members at orthodontic practices such as front desk, schedulers, and treatment coordinators by helping them help their practices grow. Harrison has been working at HIP Creative for a little over two years now and continues to add value to orthodontists across the nation.