Dr. Lili Chen completed her orthodontic specialty training combined PhD degree in 2007 at Peking University School of Stomatology, and has been to Harvard School of Dental Medicine as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow for one and a half years. Her clinical expertise is treatment of adult orthodontics, non-surgical treatment of skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion and combined orthodontic and orthognathic treatment for severe skeletal deformity. Over 50 papers have been published. Some are famous journals such as ACS Nano,Stem Cells, Tissue Enget al.Dr. Chen has given over 60 lectures worldwide. In 2013, The First Prize of Science and Technology Awards was afforded by Hubei Provincial Department of Science and Technology for Dr. Chen’s breakthrough in the research of craniofacial growth and development. In 2012, The Second Prize of Chinese Medicine and Technology Award was afforded for her contribution in Skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusions treatment. Dr. Chen was also awarded as Young Leading Scientist of Scientific and Technological Innovation of Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology in 2015, Excellent Young Scholar of National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2014, Distinguished Professional and Technical Talent of Hubei Province in 2015.