Dr. Siva Vasudavan BDSc, MDSc (Orthodontics), MPH, M ORTH RCS, MRACDS FDS RCS

Dr. Siva Vasudavan is a graduate of the UWA School of Dentistry and completed his specialist orthodontic training at the University of Sydney. He was selected as the inaugural Fellow in the Craniofacial and Cleft Lip and Palate Orthodontics program at Harvard University, and Boston Children’s Hospital, in Massachusetts, USA. He is active in the academic field and has contributed more than 30 published articles in leading peer-reviewed research and scientific journals, has co-authored three text-book chapters and is the co-author of the text-book “Exercises in Orthodontic Biomechanics.” His areas of clinical and research interest include mini-implant-supported mechanics, orthodontic biomechanics, orthognathic surgery, CAD-CAM digital planning and digital smile design, paediatric oral infections, and neonatal medicine. Dr. Vasudavan is a member of the Southern California component of the Edward H. Angle Society, and is engaged in a full-time multidisciplinary group specialist practice in Perth, Australia.
