2013 Annual Session - The Art and Humanity of Orthodontics: Make your Patients into Champions - Edward H. Angle Lecture

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The Art and Humanity of Orthodontics: Making Your Patients into Champions - Edward H. Angle Lecture

In this past year, we have seen a parade of Olympic champions on our television screens. What are the elements that make up a champion, and what does that have to do with us as orthodontists? Think about it, Olympians have physical skills and attributes that they have maximized to make them into world champions. But it is rarely an individual effort: they also have parents, coaches, and support systems that support and reinforce their goals. Should we consider our role as orthodontists to be part of the creation of a champion, helping a child or adult realize their goals or dreams? The role of the orthodontist has clearly become part of that important process in preparing children for competing for all the things that come with a positive appearance and a beautiful smile and the self-confidence that comes with knowing your facial appearance will not be a handicap. We can achieve this potential through the vast number of technological advancements and interdisciplinary choices we have at our disposal to offer a patient and through coordination of care. We orthodontists coach the team and encourage and direct the patient in their care because unlike any other discipline, we understand growth, maturation and aging of the craniofacial complex and the full spectrum of esthetic enhancements including orthodontics and surgery. In this presentation, we will look at how remarkably closely Edward Angle’s vision matches ours today. While he created our classification of malocclusion, he also saw the need for correction of dentofacial deformity, and essentially the attainment of beauty. Now we have an expanded vision of macro, mini and micro-esthetic treatment planning that attains esthetic refinement not imagined in Angle’s time, or even one or two decades ago!

Learning Objectives:

  • Relate the elements of dentofacial esthetics
  • Recognize the effects of maturation and aging of the craniofacial complex and its impact on adolescent treatment planning
  • Explain the role of facial esthetics in the history of orthodontics and today’s applications.


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