2010 Annual Session - Cervical Vertebral Maturation Method: A Crystal Ball for Practicing Orthodontists?

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Dr. McNamara will describe the CVM method that has been used routinely by our group for the last decade. Developed originally by Lamparski in 1972, this method has been refined and modified for use in contemporary orthodontic practice. The six stages of maturation of the second, third and fourth cervical bodies will be described in detail, with practical suggestion as to how these stages can be identified easily and reproducibly by the practitioner as a supplementary data during diagnosis and treatment planning.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the six stages of cervical vertebral maturation as visualized in the lateral cephalogram
  • Use the CVM method in identifying prepubertal, circumpubertal and postpubertal maturational levels
  • Apply this technique easily in daily practice


Speaker Image for James McNamara
James A. McNamara, DDS, MS, PhD

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