2011 Annual Session - Why Should I Choose Your Orthodontic Practice? The Changes in Communication Needed in a Competitive Market to Set Your Practice Apart!

1.5 CE
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  • Distance Learning
  • Residents
  • Staff Club
Members save $45
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Choosing the right orthodontic practice has become quite a challenge for most consumers. The age of the general dentist giving several recommendations for a specialist is now upon us and direct referrals are rare. This course will cover communications that are needed in written and oral format which convey to the consumer that yours is the practice of choice! Effective scripting will be presented, from the initial phone call and office tour through the dismissal process. Learn to build your practice by promoting who you are in orthodontics today!

Learning Objectives:

  • To confirm and communicate through each job design that the consumer has made the right choice for their familys orthodontic care
  • Review how to use and promote the technology that brands your practice and team
  • Put a positive spin on those second and third opinions
  • Keeping and cultivating your network from within


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