2012 Annual Session - Interdisciplinary Management of Complex Dental Problems

2 CE
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The management of complex dental problems requires a careful and systematic approach to diagnosis and treatment planning to achieve an optimal outcome. This involves excellent communication between the practitioners involved and the recipient of the care the patient. Management of children with missing teeth poses a more significant challenge to the dentist. This often involves an interdisciplinary approach particularly in patients with oligodontia or patients following dental trauma. Dr. Goonewardene will outline strategies for managing both simple and complex issues related to tooth loss, tooth wear and complex skeletal problems from an inter-disciplinary perspective with special emphasis on the growing child.

Learning Objectives:

  • How to develop a systematic approach for diagnosis and treatment planning complex rehabilitation procedures
  • How to consider the utility of various options for tooth replacement including considerations for space closure
  • The impact of various types of preparatory tooth movements and growth on the tissues of the periodontium


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