2012 Annual Session - Preserving the Face with Age Appropriate Esthetics / Case Report: Facial Esthetics: A Goal of Treatment

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Preserving the Face with Age Appropriate Esthetics

In todays world of "extreme makeovers," more and more adults are seeking dental treatment to soften the effects of aging by creating a more youthful smile. In their quest to achieve certain ideal esthetic objectives, is it reasonable to create "30-something" esthetics for every patient? Or should we be trying to achieve an outcome that is more age-appropriate? This presentation will discuss the importance of the interdisciplinary team in preserving facial esthetics while emphasizing the orthodontists role in properly positioning teeth for incisor display, lip support, and age-appropriate smile esthetics.

Case Report: Facial Esthetics: A Goal of Treatment

When a facial esthetic change is a desire of the family and of the patient, the treatment plan must address the issue and treatment must be delivered that addresses the patient's concern. This case report will illustrate the correction of a bialveolar protrusion malocclusion with the desired and expected change in facial esthetics.

Learning Objectives:

  • Guidelines for a good face
  • Diagnostic decisions that must be made for facial change


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