2013 Annual Session - CBCT: Identification of Anatomic Boundary Conditions Important to Orthodontists / Orthodontic Complications Seen in 3-D

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CBCT: Identification of Anatomic Boundary Conditions Important to Orthodontists

Cone Beam CT can reveal hidden anatomy and disclose important anatomic variations that can’t be visualized on traditional panoramic and cephalometric projections. Failure to recognize key these anatomic features may lead to sub-optimum diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment outcomes.

Learning Objectives:

  • Be able to recognize key anatomic boundary conditions
  • Be able select the patients that would benefit from advanced imaging (CBCT)
  • Be able to apply problem solving strategies to determine the etiology of abnormal anatomy.

Orthodontic Complications Seen in 3-D

3-Dimensional imaging and visualization offers unprecedented access to evaluate the patient’s “anatomic truth”. This technology offers a multitude of perspectives without magnification, projection artifacts or other types of image distortion that occur with conventional dental imaging. These advantages allow clinicians to comprehensively evaluate orthodontic patients reliably and efficiently. Patient anatomy, variations and treatment effects can be confirmed and documented. Indeed this includes both complicating factors and complications of orthodontic treatment. This primarily case-based presentation will focus on the evaluation of orthodontic complications that include tooth positions, boundaries of tooth movement, impactions and orthognathic surgery.

Learning Objectives:

  • Relate the limitations of conventional 2-dimensional imaging in orthodontics
  • Utilize unique perspectives to view orthodontic complications
  • Evaluate complications in orthodontics related to tooth movement, boundary limitations and impactions.


Speaker Image for David Hatcher
David C. Hatcher, DDS, MSc, MRCD(c)
Speaker Image for James Mah
James Mah, DDS, MSc, DMSc
Associate Clinical Professor

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