2015 AAO Annual Session - Early Treatment: Is the Controversy Coming to an End? / Early Treatment: The Key Points

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Early Treatment: Is the Controversy Coming to an End?

Questions on the efficacy and efficiency of early treatment have not been satisfactorily answered. Efficacy can be defined as the ability to produce a desired or intended result, and efficiency is a measurement of the time, effort, or cost used to achieve such a result. Many clinicians and researchers are still skeptical about the benefits of an early phase of treatment. One of the reasons for the debate is due to inadequate evidence for the efficacy and efficiency of phase I treatment. Can the severity of a developing malocclusion be decreased? What percentage of reduction of the severity of a malocclusion can be obtained with an interceptive orthodontic treatment? How can the benefits (if any) of a phase I treatment be quantitatively assessed? This lecture will introduce evidence, both statistical and clinical, to support the answer for our title.

Learning Objectives:

  • Distinguish the variables to analyze the outcome of an early treatment
  • Quantitatively evaluate early treatment for each of the malocclusions
  • Analyze results and establish protocols for clinical practice

Early Treatment: The Key Points

This lecture will illustrate and discuss a ‘new method of early treatment’. The overall hypothesis is that it is possible to allow permanent teeth to correctly erupt without physically touching them. The first permanent molars and incisors ‘spontaneously’ move and touch in correct, stable occlusion, dictating functional and structural adaptation of the surrounding jaws and temporo-mandibular joint. Correct timing is fundamental. No or minimal compliance is requested. Clinical results and scientific data will be presented to demonstrate that this technique is effective not only for the classical indications of early treatment (cross-bites, functional shifts, transverse discrepancies), but also in many other malocclusions and crowding in the mixed dentition.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify a new philosophy and approach for treatment in the mixed dentition
  • Select and manage cases who can benefit for early interceptive treatment
  • Plan the clinical procedures and correct timing for effective/efficient two-phase treatment


Speaker Image for Marco Rosa
Marco Rosa, MD, DDS, D.Orthod.

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