2016 AAO Annual Session - HIPAA: How to Use Encrypted Email in Your Practice / Supercharged Update on Office Technology & SEO

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HIPAA: How to Use Encrypted Email in Your Practice

Technology is constantly changing the way we live and the way we practice orthodontics. Most if not all of our records are now digital, and file sizes can exceed hundreds of megabytes. What is the best way to transfer electronic health record data? Many of our records also have protected health information (PHI), which if disclosed could jeopardize our patients and result in large fines to the office. This presentation will show different ways of sending electronic communications and records in an encrypted way, in accordance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations.

After this lecture you will be able to:

  • Recognize different methods of sending encrypted information via email
  • Compare different encrypted email options available in the market
  • Perform an encrypted transfer using email

Supercharged Update on Office Technology & SEO

It seems almost impossible to keep up with the advancements in today's technologies. This presentation will update you on some the recent changes in the world of office technology, and will also introduce you to some new technologies that will make your life easier without breaking the bank. Dr. Molen will draw upon several technologies from outside the orthodontic and dental field that can be integrated in to your office. In addition, he will present an update on the current state of social media optimization and SEO. The future is now, and isn't as intimidating or expensive as you may think.

After this lecture you will be able to:

  • Expand the use of non-dental technologies in your office
  • Leverage new technologies to better realize their vision
  • Recognize new trends in social media and SEO

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