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2018 AAO Annual Session - What's Missing on Early Treatment?

0.75 CE
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The controversies on early treatment seem to be coming to an end. The pendulum that regulates the initiation of orthodontic treatment and that has been swaying in different directions for many years seems to have been shifting towards an earlier start preferably in the late mixed dentition. Undoubtedly, there is much agreement as well as disagreement on what to treat or not to treat. What’s missing on timely Class I, Class II and Class Ill interceptive treatment? This program compiles new evidence on early-treatment that may be helpful in the decision-making process. We hope to be able to stir even more curiosity within each one and revisit ideas and concepts we execute as clinicians.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize and select ways to approach a developing malocclusion.
  • Discuss the do’s and dont’s of early Class II interventions.
  • Review a special protocol for early Class Ill treatment.


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