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2023 AAO Annual Session - Manage Orthodontic Patients at Risk of OSA: Case-by-Case Application of a Precision Treatment Protocol

1 CE
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-How to recognize the patients at high risk of OSA and to differentiate craniofaocial phenotype of OSA ? -How to integrate craniofacial morphometric analysis with functional sleep assessment? -How to treat the growing sleep-disordered breathing patients to apply timely-target precision approach? -How to treat adult OSA patients with complicated phenotype in orthodontic practice? -How to modify orthodontic treatment plan for patients potentially at risk of OSA?

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize the patients at high risk of OSA in a daily orthodontic practice, and to differentiate craniofaocial phenotype of OSA, based on the integration of morphometric analysis with functional assessment.
  • Make a precision treatment plan for OSA patients. Systemized orthodontic treatment protocols will be suggested for growing and non-growing OSA patients, respectively.
  • Modify orthodontic treatment plan for the patients at high risk of OSA to secure upper airway function with esthetic improvement.


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