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Accuracy of Surgical Orthodontics: A Timeline of Recent Developments

May 5, 2024

Clinicians have progressively engaged the realms of computer science in diagnosis and treatment planning that now extends to accurate techniques to guide the jaws into the desired positions intraoperatively. Dr. Goonewardene will present an update of contemporary methods currently used to accurately reposition the jaws to the desired positions and the implications that these procedures have on the surgery first technique. Moreover, the outcomes of both single jaw mandibular advancement and two jaw surgical repositioning for management of Class II and Class III malocclusion will be shown.

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize the importance of 3D imaging in diagnosis of dentofacial deformity and apply these fundamentals to a digital planning platform.
  • Define the digital workflow for contemporary surgical planning with progression from articulator based surgical planning through to splint guided and printed fixation guided surgical procedures.
  • Evaluate the relative benefits of advanced imaging techniques for their own specific environment and needs.


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