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Adult Scissor Bite: Moving Teeth Through Maxillary Sinus
May 6, 2024
This lecture will show you the treatment procedure of adult scissor bite case with little jaw functional factor and over-eruption of maxillary molars. Abnormal buccolingual positioning of the maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth results in reduced contact of occlusal surfaces. Wide maxillary and narrow mandibular dentition reveal apicial bone discrepancy due to the difference of the posterior arch length. To confirm the CR-CR discrepancy, CR splint was utilized. A lack of occlusal support of the maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth shows over-eruption of posterior teeth on the affected side. You will also see the results from active intrusion by TAD. The treatment results of this case shows the conservation of current jaw relationship in vertical and horizontal axis is necessary for adult scissor bite. You will also see how much orthodontists can bring the active intrusion by TADs. We will discuss the key factors for intrusion control using TADs. Understanding limit of intrusion amount and direction is the crucial element of the successful management. You should be able to learn how to apply these treatment protocol to bring out effective and predictable results.
Learning Objectives
Understand the diagnostic technique and the treatment objective of non-surgical approach of adult scissor bite.
Explain the limitation of molar intrusion utilizing TADs and anatomical barriers in the maxillary sinus.
Recognize the sinus change after the intrusion of maxillary molars.
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