
Alveolar Boundary Conditions: Minimizing the Risks of Expansion & Pre-surgical Orthodontic Therapy

April 27, 2025
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Orthodontic therapy frequently entails moving teeth into more expanded and infrequently into constricted arches to achieve treatment goals. Both approaches may contribute to compromised bone and soft tissue outcomes. Dr. Kapila will introduce a comprehensive diagnostic terminology of Alveolar Boundary Conditions (ABC) that encompasses bone and soft tissue anatomy and health, root morphology and position combined with the individual variability in adaptability of bone that can be used to define limitations of orthodontic tooth movement. Using contemporary literature and cases, he will discuss optimal approaches to pre-emptively identify potential risk factors and therapeutic approaches to minimize the adverse consequences of arch expansion / constriction in non-extraction and extraction cases, respectively, and in patients with existing compromised periodontal bone support or requiring orthognathic surgery entailing decompensation of teeth.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the anatomic and biotype soft- and hard-tissue factors for use in optimal diagnosis of alveolar boundary conditions.
  • Utilize current evidence from CBCT, treatment outcome and AI studies to understand the limits imposed by alveolar boundaries on orthodontic tooth movement.
  • Proactively identify and apply optimal customized treatment, biomechanical and tissue regenerative plans to mitigate potential negative consequences of orthodontics on tissue support.


Speaker Image for Sunil Kapila
Sunil Kapila, BDS, MS, PhD

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