2013 Annual Session - Joules, Genes, and Behaviors: Degeneration of The Human TMJ / Centric Relation, TMD and Orthodontics: It's Time to Center on the Evidence

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Joules, Genes, and Behaviors in the Development and Degeneration of the TMJ

The growth of the TMJ components reflects the interplay between central nervous system organization of the musculature and resulting TMJ loads, and the influences of behaviors that reflect the changes in the dentition from neonate to adolescent. In a similar fashion, the degeneration of the TMJ reflects the interplay between these variables, with certain heritable traits. In our discussion we will focus on the continuum of growth through degeneration of the TMJ, and the role of mechanics, behaviors, and genetics in this process.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize diagnostic group differences in magnitudes of TMJ loads and frequency of TMJ loading
  • State the role of energy density in the development of degenerative joint disease.

Centric Relation, TMD and Orthodontics: It's Time to Center on the Evidence

Centric relation (CR) has been a controversial subject in dentistry for more than a century. Although the definition of CR has changed over the past half-century, its relevance to contemporary dentistry and orthodontics and TMD has been questioned especially in light of new evidence.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define Centric Relation and the controversies surrounding its definition
  • Put centric relation into perspective and evaluate its relevance to contemporary orthodontic treatment and TMD.


Speaker Image for Jeffrey Nickel
Jeffrey C. Nickel, DMD, MSc, PhD
Speaker Image for Sanjivan Kandasamy
Sanjivan Kandasamy, BDSc, BScDent, DocClinDent, MOrthRCS, MRACDS(Orth)

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