
David Harris CPA, CFE, PI

David Harris is a CPA, Certified Fraud Examiner and licensed private investigator.

David is CEO of Prosperident, the world’s largest company specializing in dental and orthodontic embezzlement Investigation. Mr. Harris has spoken at many orthodontic meetings including PCSO, NESO and SAO and is scheduled for more in the coming year. He has also been privileged to be booked as a speaker for a number of general dentist study clubs sponsored by orthodontists.


  • Thumbnail for 2015 AAO Webinar - How Not to Hire the Wrong People
    1 CE
    In this webinar, Certified Fraud Examiner and private investigator David Harris discusses how people applying for employment at orthodontic practices successfully hide unfavorable information about themselves, and how the hiring process can be adapted to discover what applicants don’t want you to k…


    Standard Price
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