
Josef Kucera PhD, MUDr

Dr. Josef Kucera graduated from the Charles University in Prague in 2004, where he also received his Master`s in Orthodontics in 2009. Since then he has been splitting his time equally between private orthodontic practice in Prague, teaching at his alma mater and academic career. He was awarded a PhD from the University of Olomouc in 2015. He is currently Assistant Professor at Charles University in Prague and lecturer at Palacky University in Olomouc.


  • Thumbnail for Unexpected Complications of Lower Fixed Retainers
    April 23, 2017
    The purpose of this lecture is to discuss the controversial issue of long-term stability of orthodontic treatment results. Long-term stability is often considered to be a myth. Therefore, long-term retention with fixed retainers is indicated as one of the approaches to tackle this problem…


    Speaker Image for Josef Kucera
    Josef Kucera, PhD, MUDr
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