
Dr. Rebecca Bockow DDS, MS

Dr. Rebecca Bockow received her dental degree from the U of WA School of Dentistry. Upon graduation, Dr. Bockow practiced as a restorative dentist in Seattle for two years. In 2013, she completed her dual training in both Orthodontics and Periodontics from the U Penn School of Dental Medicine, where she also earned a Masters in Oral Biology. Dr. Bockow is a board-certified orthodontist and periodontist. She is a resident faculty at Spear Education, and lectures to audiences internationally on topics including interdisciplinary treatment planning, airway and sleep disorders, skeletal growth and development, surgical treatment planning, TAD expansion, and corticotomy-facilitated orthodontic therapy. Dr. Bockow maintains a private practice in Seattle and Bellevue, limited to orthodontics.


  • Thumbnail for The Way We Breathe Influences Facial Growth and Development
    April 23, 2023
    How we breathe affects facial growth and development. Soft tissue such as the tongue, lips, cheeks, tonsils and adenoids influence growth. Certain habits, compensations, and airway-related issues can contribute to adverse skeletal changes…


  • Thumbnail for A Fresh Look at the Gummy Smile
    December 6, 2023
    1.5 CE
    JOIN DR. MICHAEL GUNSON AND DR. REBECCA BOCKOW FOR A FRESH LOOK AT THE GUMMY SMILE (1.25 CE). We have all seen patients with “Gummy Smiles…


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