Shannon Patterson, a partner with Bentson Copple & Associates, is a recruitment leader in the orthodontic industry, specializing in placement and retention of doctors by engaging in a proactive recruitment strategy. She helps place candidates where they will be a successful fit, not only for the practice, but also the community. She is also a Kolbe Certified™ Consultant and expert in the Kolbe suite of assessments for selection of the ideal candidate match, focusing on strength-based relationships for both doctors. She specializes in comprehensive talent management, candidate sourcing, candidate lead generation and strategic placement planning. Shannon has earned certifications in High Impact Recruiting (CPR) and Certified Medical Staff Recruiting (CMSR) and is a Certified Kolbe Consultant and member of the American Academy of Medical Management (AAMM). Shannon is a frequent lecturer at industry meetings and orthodontic residency programs and contributes to numerous orthodontic journals.