
Dr. Takashi Yamashiro DDS, PhD

Dr. Takashi Yamashiro is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Orthodontics at Osaka University Dental School and Vice Director of the Osaka University Dental Hospital. Prior to his current position, he was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Orthodontics at Okayama University. He received his DDS degree in 1990 and his PhD degree in 1995 from Osaka University. His postdoctoral studies were in developmental biology at the Developmental Biology Program, Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki. He is certified by the Japanese Board of Orthodontics. He was awarded the Fellowship of Dental Surgery without examination by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. He is a member of the Angle Society of Orthodontics, East Component. He is an Associate Editor of Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research and an Editor of the European Journal of Orthodontics, Scientific Reports and the Japanese Dental Science Review. His scientific interests include the biological and molecular mechanisms of palatogenesis, dental development, and craniofacial development. He is also interested in 3D evaluation of craniofacial bones and orthodontic treatment using temporary anchorage devices (TADs), as well as 3D evaluation of patients with congenital anomalies.


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