
Thomas F. Ziegler DDS, MS, JD

Dr. Ziegler practiced orthodontics for 30 years and has been practicing law since 1995. Ziegler Practice Transitions, Ltd. specializes in Orthodontic Practice Transitions and Dr. Ziegler has personally been involved in over 1,000 orthodontic practice transitions in all 50 states. Dr. Ziegler has lectured to several constituent, state and local societies of the AAO and has been a featured speaker at several AAO Annual Sessions.


  • Thumbnail for 2009 AAO Webinar - Practice Transition from A to Z
    November 12, 2019
    There are many types of Practice Opportunities available to orthodontic residents upon graduation. In this webinar, Thomas F. Ziegler, DDS, MS, JD will explain Associateships, Partnerships, Practice Acquisitions and Practice Acquisition Financing…


    Speaker Image for Thomas Ziegler
    Thomas F. Ziegler, DDS, MS, JD
    Standard Price
    Free for 
    • CE Passport
    • Distance Learning
    • Residents
    • Staff Club
    Members save $45
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