Root Resorption and Other Anomalies: What, Where, Why?
An AAO survey revealed that root resorption was considered a very important clinical issue by 60 percent of participating orthodontists. Concerns in the orthodontic community include reliable diagnostic methods to improve how we predict, prevent and/or manage root resorption. Compared to other orthodontic consequences, external apical root resorption (EARR) remains a challenge in terms of management and post-treatment outcomes. The rapidly evolving use of genomics in medicine and dentistry has removed some of the enigma surrounding root resorption and other anomalies that challenge the orthodontic specialty, but a definitive solution remains elusive. This lecture considers root resorption and related anomalies in orthodontic patients -- what the orthodontist should look for, where the problem occurs most, and why it developed in the first place.
Learning Objectives:
- Summarize the biologic basis of root resorption
- Accurately diagnose root resorption and similar anomalies of the root
- Review factors that contribute to root resorption
Dr. Frazier-Bowers received her Bachelor’s and DDS degrees from the University of Illinois, her Orthodontics Certification and PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and continued post-doctoral studies at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Department of Orthodontics. She has held various national leadership positions including secretary, vice-president, president and councilor for the local NC-AADR chapter, a craniofacial biology group director; CBG councilor; Southern Association of Orthodontists Scientific Affairs Committee member, and board member of the Consortium for Orthodontic Advances in Science and Technology. She is currently an associate professor in the Department of Orthodontics at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and adjunctly appointed in the Carolina Center for Genome Sciences, which includes teaching graduate and pre-doctoral level growth and development courses, conducting human genetic studies relevant to orthodontics, supervising graduate clinical orthodontics, and treating patients in the UNC School of Dentistry Faculty Practice.
Orthodontic Root Resorption: Frequently Asked Questions with Answers
Root resorption and repair occur whenever we move teeth orthodontically; however, on occasion, resorption starts at the apex and results in irreversible root shortening. This lecture will summarize our current knowledge of this irritating problem by asking and answering a list of the most frequently asked questions about root resorption of relevance to the clinician, with supporting evidence from research, literature, and clinical experience.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize the diagnostic and treatment risk factors of external apical root resorption
- Relate the risk of root resorption to current clinical research findings
- Manage root resorption at all stages of orthodontic treatment