
Dr. Carlos Flores-Mir DDS, DSc, FRCD(C)

DDS, Certificate in Orthodontics/BSc, MS & DSc in Stomatology, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru; Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Alberta; Director - Orthodontic Graduate Program at the University of Alberta since 2010 & Senior Chair; Graduate Studies - Orthodontic Graduate Program at the University of Alberta since 2020; Extramural part-time private practice as an associate orthodontist in Edmonton, Alberta; More than 175 international talks & more than 450 peer-reviewed published articles and commentaries; Member of different committees for the American Association of Orthodontists, Canadian Association of Orthodontics & American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine; Current professional interests are linked to research knowledge translation to professional peers and patients


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