
Dr. Carol Weinstein DDS

DDS Universidad de Chile 1997; Orthodontist University of Pennsylvania 2001; Roth- Sapunar CCO 2001-2003; 20 years of experience in Functional orthodontics Roth/Williams; Certificate in Craneofacial Pathology and TMJ (Rocabado) 2007; Chilean Society of Orthodontics Active Member; World Federation of Orthodontics; American Board eligible member; Former Faculty of the Orthdontic Program Universidad Andrés Bello Viña del Mar, Chile; Invisalign Certification; National and international speaker and publications; Private Practice; Guest editor AJODO Clinical Companion, Seminars, Dental Press, World Federation Journal; Topics of interest: Detail and Finish, Ortho-Perio, Impacted teeth, Digital Orthodontics, Skeletal Anchorage, Orthognathix Surgery; Highlights: cover article of AJODO Clinical Companion august 2022, speaker AAO 2023 Chicago, 2024 New Orleans, USA, European Meeting Dra. Patricia Vergara (Realismo Mágico) 2023-2024, Congreso Internacional Sociedad de Ortodoncia de Chile.


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