Dr. Donald R. Joondeph DDS, MS

Dr. Don Joondeph is a Professor Emeritus of Orthodontics at the University of Washington and was Chair of the department from 1975 to 1984. He has served as president of the Northwest Component of the Edward H. Angle Society, Washington State Society of Orthodontists and the Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists. He was a Director of the American Board of Orthodontics from 1986 to 1993 and served as President of the American Board from 1992 to 1993. Dr. Joondeph was an AAO Trustee representing the Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists from 1996 to 2005 and was President of the American Association of Orthodontists in 2006-2007. He served as the AAOs Commissioner on the Commission on Dental Accreditation and was the Chair of the Commission in 2011-2012. His research while a Fellow at the University of Washington was awarded the 1972 Milo Hellman Research Award from the American Association of Orthodontists. Dr. Joondeph has presented both the Jacob A. Salzmann and John V. Mershon Lectures at AAO Annual Sessions and was the recipient of the 2003 Albert H. Ketcham Award. He currently combines his faculty responsibilities with a private practice in Bellevue, Washington.


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